With the New Year, I decided I wanted a new project to work on that would help me document it. I found some watercolor phenology wheels that I fell in love with, and knew I wanted to try it with embroidery. Phenology is the study of nature and how it is affected by the seasons and climate. So for a phenology wheel, you observe nature every month and draw (or in this case embroider) something that you observed each month. There’s a little “pie” slice for each month and the seasons and months are marked around the outside. At the end of the year, you have a beautiful work of art!
Buy the Fabric
I designed some phenology wheel fabric to make it easier to chart out my embroidery. I actually watercolored the ring and had that printed on the fabric as well. Isn’t it pretty? The “slices” are small, but I didn’t want to have to use bigger than a 10 inch hoop. Since I’d love to have you join me, I ordered a bunch of fabric and am selling in in my shop here. If you aren’t in the US, you can buy it from Etsy here.
Join the Stitch-A-Long!
For this year, 2021, I’m planning to do a stitch-a-long of sorts. I’ll be putting links to the patterns I design on this post each month, so keep checking back. I’ll also be posting on Instagram, sending an email newsletter, and filming a short YouTube video each month. So if you aren’t following along with one of those, go sign up. I’d love to see your work for the stitch-a-long too, so post your own photos on Instagram using #cutesycraftsSAL. That way we can get inspiration from others and share what we are working on.
Download the free pattern!
And because I want you all to be able to participate, even if you don’t buy my fabric, I’ve got a PDF of the phenology wheel that you can download free by clicking here. It will print out on two pages that you’ll have to cut and tape together. You can just transfer it with an ultra fine sharpie or something on the fabric of your choice. Check out my post on how to transfer embroidery patterns for help on how to do that. I’ll likely be using my FriXion pen and light table.
See my progress!
January – Dwarf Strawberry Tree
And now that I’m done, here’s a little updated photo of the finished project. Loved stitching this!

Sunday 18th of June 2023
So pleased to have found your post. I know I’m a few years post project but this is the first year project that has caught my fancy. I live in the south so some of my choices might be different but you are inspiration!
Wednesday 3rd of May 2023
Thank you, Jessica, for these beautiful patterns. I live in California too, but because of my allergies I miss the most beautiful part of spring. The only time I saw the poppies in bloom was several years ago when we went back to L.A. to dog sit for my brother while he went on a fishing trip. The hills on the Grape Vine were carpeted in golden California poppies. By the time we drove back over the mountains the poppies were almost all gone. I thank God for the blessing of being able to see the poppies when we did. Because of Covid-19 and underlying health issues I have been in isolation for a very long time. Your Phenology wheel will bring so much joy and beauty into my home. Thank you again.
Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts
Thursday 4th of May 2023
I'm sooo thankful that I don't have allergies! A couple of my kids do, but thankfully it's managed with medicine. I love poppies so much! When I was a kid, I thought if I picked one I would be arrested. Haha! I'm sorry that you've been in isolation for so long, but I'm glad this could bring you a little bit of joy.
Tuesday 7th of March 2023
Just learning to embroider. Thank you for patterns!
Tee Bee
Saturday 31st of December 2022
I wouldn't use a FriXion pen. Apparently the ink returns if it gets cold! Yikes! I'm doing an embroidery journal for 2023 and am using your pattern as a starting point. Happy New Year!
Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts
Wednesday 8th of March 2023
Yes, it does. I always try to completely cover any marks that I make with them. Then if there's just a little showing on the edge, the heat makes them disappear. Luckily I also live in California, so it doesn't get too cold.
Sunday 9th of January 2022
Youhave no more printed patterns for sale. What do I use to make the cirlce and words??
Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts
Thursday 13th of January 2022
I have more on the way! If you don't want to wait, you can trace it onto some fabric using a light table or sunny window. Use something light like a pencil and then go over it with a ultra fine Sharpie.