For this month, I decided on using the pretty manzanita bushes that I saw on a hike. There is lots of Manzanita in California, and I just love the the beautiful reddish-brown, twisty wood that contrasts with the light green leaves. A manzanita embroidery was definitely a must-do for my phenology wheel.

I even found one with berries on it! They were such a beautiful bright red color. Those had to be included for sure!

Here’s how it turned out in embroidery form. I’m pretty happy with it.

The stems are all a stem stitch, the berries a satin stitch, and the leaves were a combination of fishbone and satin stitch because of their shape. I had to use satin stitch when I got closer to the bottom of each leaf to fill it in the rest of the way.

Hope you all are having a great start to your fall! I can’t believe we only have three months left on this project, although I am look forward to having it done. 🙂 If you’d like to participate, you can purchase the fabric here. To see my original post that explains this project, go here. Make sure to post your photos to Instagram using #cutesycraftsSAL so we can all see your work!

Get the free pattern!
If you’d like to add this manzanita embroidery to your wheel, here’s a link to the free patterns that I created.