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Divide a Room with an IKEA KALLAX Shelf

Today I’m showing off something a little different than what I normally post. We’re going to talk about how to divide a room with and IKEA KALLAX shelf. It started when my girls came to me with a double sided list of reasons why they shouldn’t have to share a room. One of them was even found sleeping in the hallway a couple times just to get away. Hilarious!

Of course, I can’t magically create another bedroom in the house, but I figured I could get creative with dividing the space that they have. And here is the final result of my scheming. (Please ignore the fact that I didn’t de-clutter their room at all for these photos. Just keeping it real. They have way too much stuff.)

Divide a Room with an IKEA KALLAX Shelf

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As you can see, their bedroom is a fairly good size, so I was able to split it in half with the largest KALLAX shelf, and then what you can’t see is they still have some common space leftover that has small dresser on each size, a hanging swing chair, and their closet.

The shelf is bolted to the wall, with included hardware, to keep it from tipping over. I used the IKEA KALLAX drawer and cupboard inserts on the bottom three rows to give them more privacy and hide some of their clutter. I divided which side got the front and back of each insert. They get to use the ones on their side for tons of extra storage. Perfect for my little hoarders.

kallax shelf uses

After I put up the shelf, they still weren’t super happy with the privacy, so I went and got IKEA’s DIGNITET wire curtain rod and a middle support/corner fixture. It’s strung across the room near the end of each bed, and the middle support is on the end of the bookshelf.

dignitet curtain wire on end of a bookshelf

We used their RIKTIG curtain clips (I think I got 2 or 3 packs) and 4 packs of IKEA curtains. I can’t remember which ones we used. I got some cheap white ones, but they were see-through, so I doubled the lace ones on top to make it more private. They were out of a lot of curtains the day I went, so I made do. Ideally it would have been better to not double up on the curtains so the clips would hold better, and then you would only need 2 packs (2 curtains on each side). It’s still working though. Oh, and, yes, I had to hem all of them. Here’s a tutorial on how to hem curtains without sewing. Here’s one for how to sew by hand. That’s how I did it, which wasn’t too hard, just time consuming.

Divide a Bedroom with an IKEA KALLAX Shelf

It looks a little strange walking in when the curtains are closed, but they are so happy to have their own space and privacy that I don’t care.

use ikea curtain wire and curtains to divide a room

Overall this has been a great strategy to divide a room for us. The added storage is a huge bonus, and I love that it’s only temporary with minimal holes drilled into the walls. Oh, and here’s a link to their cute beds if you’re interested. Very affordable and super sturdy. I love them!

Divide a Room with an IKEA KALLAX Shelf

What solutions have you found to help children deal with sharing a room? They still fight over cleaning the common area, so I’m all ears!

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Saturday 29th of June 2024

I love this! I've been looking into it for ages - which is probably why you article suddenly appeared on my feed. I haven't done it yet as the wall I need to put it against isn't flush... But I've noticed yours isn't either ( you have a cupboard that the unit is against?) is there some flexibility with the Hardwear for securing it against the wall? I assumed as we had skirting boards and a bit of coving it wouldn't work but now I'm rethinking it!

Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts

Tuesday 9th of July 2024

There's a weird, secret door to a crawl space and some baseboard keeping the shelf from being super flush against the wall. It still seems very secure though. I can't remember how it's secured, but if you email me at email me I can go take a pic and send it to you.

Lisa talamantes

Monday 11th of March 2024

How did you anchor the shelf to protect against tipping?

Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts

Wednesday 10th of April 2024

It came with hardware to anchor it to the wall on the short side closest to the wall. It's very secure.


Monday 5th of February 2024

You are brilliant. That is a pretty big room. My sister and I shared. It was not an option but I thinking sharing helps develop skills to cooperating. Not cleaning to common area is not an option. Set up schedule one does one week then the other the next. If they don't then you can always give the option of removing the divider and let them fight it out with the open space.


Monday 13th of March 2023

Hi Jessica

That is a cluttered room? How I wish mine were like it, my bedroom looks as if I have had a sleep over with a dozen or more teenagers. Was thinking if you divided the room the other way then they would have to clear their own area. Ok it would be extra curtains but that would stop the argument of the one closer the door saying you cant come passed because they would have the current curtains to draw so the other could pass. They would then have to clean their whole half hopefully that makes sense. Xx

Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts

Tuesday 25th of April 2023

Haha! It's cleaner than it normally is. They just have a LOT of stuff. I thought about dividing it more, but they have a shared closet on the one wall. Maybe I can just have the closet only be a common area.


Friday 10th of March 2023

Mark off (tape on the floor?) common areas for cleaning. Write Out what/how to clean. Alternate who cleans during what time period (switch by week? month?) Write Down on a Calendar the name of who cleans when. Hope you understand this -my parents had to for whi set up a Christmas display; my brother and I fought over it! So it was another notecard in the Christmas box😹

Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts

Tuesday 25th of April 2023

Writing out a list of what to clean definitely helps them. Why is it so hard for me to just grab a pen and paper to make the list though?! Haha!

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