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Small Steps to a Healthier Me

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DailyRepairDifference #CollectiveBias

Over the past few months my family and I have been making gradual changes to improve our health and wellness.  We started small with simply decreasing the amount of times we eat out every month, then I started making healthy substitutions in the recipes that we love. I’m a firm believer that “slow and steady wins the race”.  Oftentimes, we try to make a lot of big changes at once, and then they fall through because it becomes too overwhelming.

One of the small goals I’ve been working on is having healthier gums and teeth.  We just had our regular family cleaning, and can I just say… I hate to floss!  Please tell me I’m not alone! Even the hygienist hates flossing my teeth though, so I don’t feel too guilty about it.  They are just so close together, that it takes a lot of effort to do it.  My teeth are in really great shape, despite my lack of flossing, but I know I should be doing better.  We only get one set of adult teeth, and I’d really like to keep them!

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

To help me in my goal of maintaining better oral health, I headed to Walmart’s toothpaste aisle and picked up some New Colgate Total® Daily Repair™ toothpaste.

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

This is actually the brand of toothpaste that we use on a regular basis.  New Colgate Total® Daily Repair™ toothpaste helps reverse early tooth and gum damage for better oral health.  It helps prevent gingivitis and plaque build up, remineralizes enamel to strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities, and fights bad breath and whitens teeth.  My dentist mentioned that pregnancy can cause changes that cause you to have temporary gingivitis.  So since I just had a baby a few months ago, I’m hoping that using New Colgate Total® Daily Repair™ toothpaste can help repair some of that damage.

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

To keep me focused and making goals, I created this printable.  Every month I can set a large goal and then think of smaller, weekly goals that will help me achieve the larger one.  This month’s goal… healthier gums and teeth!  The chart will work for any goal that you have.  It’s a nice visual reminder to help me stay focused on making small steps for better health.  Print one out for yourself by downloading the file here.

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

Pop the printable into a sheet protector, and you can use dry-erase markers on it.  Just cut the side off that has the hole punches, so it doesn’t look like it belongs in a binder.  Hang it on the fridge or the bathroom mirror to remind you of your goals.

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

You can set a new goal every month, try again if you don’t quite make it, or revisit something that you need to work on more.  That’s the beauty of making it erasable!  You can constantly be changing it up.

Small Steps to Make Healthy Changes - Printable Goals Sheet #DailyRepairDifference #ad

Got any goals that you’re working on?  How do you stay motivated?  Start Repairing Early Teeth and Gum Damage† Today!  Also be sure to check out Colgate on Facebook and Twitter.

†Remineralizes enamel damage and helps prevent gingivitis with continued use.

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Wednesday 4th of November 2015

I love that you are working towards incorporating a health and wellness goal for yourself and how Colgate products are helping you get there! Plus, being able to use that sheet for other occasions makes it even better! #client

Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts

Wednesday 4th of November 2015

Thanks Samantha!

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